Hemovent GmbH
Pascalstr. 59
52076 Aachen

Phone: +49 241/9901330
E-Mail: info[at]

Limited liability company, Sitz: Aachen

Registry court: AG Aachen HRB 20204

Ust.-IdNr. DE 292498851, St-Nr.: 201/5965/4412

Managing Director: Dr. Oliver Marseille


This imprint also applies to the social media platforms of Hemovent GmbH.

Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Dr. Oliver Marseille

Webmaster und Editor:
Marketing Communication

Contact to the data protection officer:
Ralf Hufschmidt, ralf.hufschmidt[at]

Please check our privacy policy to see that we take the protection of your personal information very seriously. We do not make any further use of your social media contributions unless we explicitly point this out in a specific activity